السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اعزائي الكرام ...
اقدم لكم درس في قواعد اللغة التركية
Nouns in the locative case
The locative case is used when there is NOT Movement to...
To form the locative case (İsmin Bulunma Durumu) in turkish examine the following:
1. The word is ending to a vowel or consonant except h, ç, f, s, t, k, p, ş.
(Advice: To memorize the letters, just remember the phrase: hiç fıstık paşa!)
In that case add the suffix de, da according to the Major Sound Harmony rule.
To remember the rule go to THEORY
şarkı (song) ---> şarkıda
hava (air) ---> havada
ada (island) ---> adada
köprü (bridge) ---> köprüde
göl (lake) ---> gölde
kasko (automobile insurance) ---> kaskoda
duvar (wall) ---> duvarda
deniz (sea) ---> denizde
okul (school) ---> okulda
bilim (science) ---> bilimde
2. The word is ending to one of the consonants h, ç, f, s, t, k, p, ş.
(Advice: To memorize the letters, just remember the phrase: hiç fıstık paşa!)
In that case add the suffix de, da according to the Major Sound Harmony rule.
To remember the rule go to THEORY
Examples with h:
mizah (humor) ---> mizahta
ruh (soul, spirit) ---> ruhta
Examples with ç:
sonuç (result) ---> sonuçta
kılıç (sword) ---> kılıçta
Examples with f:
keyif (pleasure in life) ---> keyifte
laf (conversation, talk) ---> lafta
Examples with s:
finans (finance) ---> finansta
polis (police, policeman) ---> poliste
Examples with t:
kat (floor (1st, 2nd…)) ---> katta
edebiyat (literature) ---> edebiyatta
Examples with k:
bebek (baby) ---> bebekte
ekmek (bread) ---> ekmekte
Examples with p:
sahip (owner) ---> sahipte
hesap (bill) ---> hesapta
Examples with ş:
çavuş(sergeant) ---> çavuşta
güneş (sun) ---> güneşte
3. In names, place names etc. that start with a capital letter we use the same rules, but before the suffix we put an apostrophe.
Allah (Allah) ---> Allah'ta
Mısır (Egypt) ---> Mısır'da
Bulgristan (Bulgaria) ---> Bulgristan'da
Mehmet (Mehmet) ---> Mehmet'te
Marmara (Marmara) ---> Marmara'da
Exceptions :
Some words of not turkish origin don't follow the Major Sound Harmony rule.
kalp (heart) ---> kalbde
harf (letter of the alphabet) ---> harfte
sembol (symbol) ---> sembolde
amiral (navy admiral) ---> amiralde
normal (normal) ---> normalde