السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اعزائي الكرام ...
اليوم رح بقدم لكم درس قواعد باللغة التركية
الاسماء في صيغة المجرور {Nouns in the dative case }
Nouns in the dative case
The dative case is used when there is Movement to...
To form the dative case (İsmin Yönelme Durumu) in turkish examine the following:
1. If the word is ending to a vowel, add the suffix ya, ye according to the Major Sound Harmony rule. To remember the rule go to THEORY
ada (island) ---> adaya
tepe (hill) ---> tepeye
pencere (window) ---> pencereye
araba (car) ---> arabaya
müze (museum) ---> müzeye
2. If the word is ending to a consonant, except ç k p t add the suffix a, e according to the Major Sound Harmony rule. To remember the rule go to THEORY
deniz (sea) ---> denize
liman (port) ---> limana
güneş (sun) ---> güneşe
taraf (side) ---> tarafa
nüfus (population) ---> nüfusa
çavuş (sergeant) ---> çavuşa
sınır (border) ---> sınıra
göz (eye) ---> göze
3. If the last letter of the word is ç it is usually converted to c.
kılıç (sword) ---> kılıca
ağaç (tree) ---> ağaca
haç (cross) ---> haca
4. If the last letter of the word is k:
4a. In most cases k is converted to ğ. Examples:
tavuk (chicken) ---> tavuğa
çocuk (child) ---> çocuğa
parmak (finger) ---> parmağa
4b. There are some monosyllabic words that k remains the same.
ok (arrow) ---> oka
4c. There are some words ending to nk which is converted to ng.
ahenk (harmony) ---> ahenge
renk (color) ---> renge
5. If the last letter of the word is p it is usually converted to b.
hap (pill) ---> haba
kitap (book) ---> kitaba
hesap (bill) ---> hesaba
6. If the last letter of the word is t:
6a. There are some words that t remains the same.
süt (milk) ---> süte
fiyat (price) ---> fiyata
bilet (ticket) ---> bilete
6b. In other words t is converted to d.
kurt (wolf) ---> kurda
kağıt (paper) ---> kağıda
Special cases:
A. Words ending to a vowel between 2 consonants, usually lose it.
nehir (river) ---> nehre
burun (nose) ---> burna
isim (name) ---> isme
B. In names, place names etc. that start with a capital letter we don't use the rules for the letters ç k p t that we described above. We just add the apostrophe and the suffix a, e to the words ending to a consonant and the suffix ya, ye to the words ending to a vowel according to Major Sound Harmony rule.
Bulgristan (Bulgaria) ---> Bulgristan'a
Yunanistan (Greece) ---> Yunanistan'a
Abdullah (Abdullah) ---> Abdullah'a
İzmir (Izmir) ---> İzmir'e
Türkiye (Turkey) ---> Türkiye'ye
Erol (Erol) ---> Erol'a
Marmara (Marmara) ---> Marmara'ya
Trabzon (Trabzon) ---> Trabzon'a
C. Some words of not turkish origin don't follow the Minor Sound Harmony rule.
harf (letter of the alphabet) ---> harfe
saat (time, clock) ---> saate
kalp (heart) ---> kalbe
petrol (petrol) ---> petrole
hayal (dream) ---> hayale