الشاعر عبد القوى الأعلامى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالأحداثموسوعة الأعلامى الحرةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 first year exam

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
باتع صفر
باتع صفر

العمر : 48
عدد الرسائل : 244
first year exam 210
احترام القوانين : first year exam 111010
العمل : first year exam Profes10
الحالة : first year exam Mzboot11
نقاط : 6366
ترشيحات : 0

first year exam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: first year exam   first year exam I_icon_minitime5/7/2009, 21:32

[about – great – should – read - reading]
Sara: What - - (1) - - I buy for Diana?
Sally: What does she like?
Sara: She likes - - (2) - -.
Sally: How - - (3) - - buying her a book?
Sara: That's a - - (4) - - idea.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
[When – know – build – built – ideas]
Ali: Do you - - (1) - - Mohamed Ali?
Hani: Yes, I do.
Ali: - - (2) - - was he born?
Hani: He was born in 1769.
Ali: What did he - - (3) - -?
Hani: He built many buildings and the famous mosque and brought new - - (4) - - for Egypt.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
[have – yet – What – wash – washed - has]
Mother: What - - (1) - - you done?
Daughter: I have done my homework.
Mother: Have you tidied your room?
Daughter: No, I haven't tidied my room- - (2) - -.
Mother: Have you - - (3) - - the dishes?
Daughter: Yes, I have.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
[read – reading – about – exciting – history]
Tamer: What are you - - (1) - -Ali?
Ali: I am reading an - - - (2) - - - book?
Tamer: What is it - - (3) - -?
Ali: It is about the - - - (4) - - - of Egypt.
Tamer: Can I borrow it?
Ali: Of course when I finish it.

Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:
Ali: What about going to the zoo?
Hani: --------------------------

Sara: ----------------------------?
Sally: That's a good idea. I enjoy reading books.

Teacher: What is the fastest animal on land?
Student: ------------------------------

Teacher: ------------------------------?
Student: A giraffe is the tallest animal.

Ali: What does hunt mean?
Hani: ------------------------------

Ali: ------------------------------------?
Hani: Retire means to stop working.

Sara: ----------------------------------?
Sally: Her father was a soldier.

Mother: Have you tidied the room?
Sara: ----------------------------- yet.

Father: ------------------------------?
Ali: Yes, I have done my homework.

Hani: Which is more ancient a temple or pyramids?
Tamer: -----------------------------------

Sara: ----------------------------------?
Sally: I enjoy reading funny stories.

Hani: How many daughters did Nefertiti have got?
Tamer: --------------------------------

Read and match:
(B) (A)
a- because you can carry it easily
b- Good idea.
c- book, please Ali.
d- fastest animal on land.
e- because it's too expensive. 1- What about buying boots?
2- Cheetah is the
3- The mobile is very useful
4- Open your

(B) (A)
a- clean the fridge.
b- to cross a river.
c- soldiers.
d- New ideas for Egypt.
e- changed their names. 1- Nefertiti and her husband
2- Mohamed Ali brought
3- Mum asked Sara to
4- We use a boat

(B) (A)
a- taller than a horse.
b- buy her some flowers?
c- No, I haven't.
d- No, I don't.
e- the hen with the dog. 1- Have you washed the car?
2- I can't leave
3- Why don't you
4- A giraffe is

(B) (A)
a- because it's cheap.
b- because it's expensive.
c- exciting story.
d- home work, Sally.
e- because of the new religion. 1- It's an
2- Do your
3- They changed their names
4- I can't buy it

a- buy a CD?
b- buying a CD?
c- watch TV.
d- planting flowers.
e- a pair of boots. 1- She enjoys
2- Let's
3- My brother bought
4- How about

Choose the correct answer:
1- Today is Sara's birthday. What should I buy for (it – him – her).
2- (How – What – Why) don't you buy him a book?
3- How (often – many – much) suggestions did she make?
4- It's (a – un – an) interesting book.
5- The fox was cleverer (as – the – than) the goat.
6- We make footprints with our (feet – legs – arms).
7- We cross a river by (boot – boat – bit).
8- She enjoys (read – reads – reading) funny stories.
9- Let's (goes – going – go) to the zoo.
10- He came to Egypt (on – in – at) 1798.
11- He is (cold – killed – called) Ali.
12- A tortoise is (slow – slowest – slower) than a rabbit.
13- What about (buy – buying – bought) a mobile for her?
14- (Tidy – clean – wash) the dishes please, Sara?
15- Mona (hasn't – isn't – haven't) cleaned the room yet.
16- Ali hasn't (washed – wash – washing) the car yet.
17- (What – When – Where) was Mohamed Ali born? In 1769.
18- They changed their names because (at – of – off) the new religion.
19- Nefertiti was a beautiful (prince – king – queen).
20- Retire means to stop (working – living – playing).
21- Die means to stop (living – working – helping).
22- Mohamed Ali came to Egypt with (French – Egyptian – Turkish) soldiers).
23- I (am – has – have) watered the plants.
24- You could (got – get – gets) her a CD.
25- A giraffe is the (tall – as tall – tallest) animal.
26- Mohamed Ali was born in (Egypt – France – Albania).
27- (Do –Put – clean) your clothes away, Ali.
28- Don't (played – playing – play) in the street.
29- Nefrtiti lived (on – in – at) time of change.
30- She was born in Cairo (was – wasn't – didn't) she?
31- They played football (do – did – didn't) they?
32- They haven't a car (haven't – has – have) they?

Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- I bought a pair of boots last week. (What)
2- Why don't you buy a mobile? (How)
3- We cross a river by boat. (How)
4- Mohamed Ali was born in Albania. (Where)
5- Mohamed Ali was born in 1769. (When)
6- They changed their names because of the new religion. (Why)
7- A lion is more dangerous than a wolf. (Which)
8- A blue whale is the longest sea animal. (What)
9- He came to Egypt in 1798. (When)
10- Ahmed has done his homework. (What)
11- Mona has washed the dishes. (Has)
12-Ali has washed the car. (Who)
13- Yes, I enjoy reading books. (Do)
14- No, I can't leave the hen with the dog. (Can)
15- We can make footprints with our feet. (How)
16- Hunt means to catch animals. (What)
17- I can see animals in a zoo. (Where)
18- Football is more exciting than tennis. (Which)
19- Mona has cooked the food. (What)
20- There are twenty boys in my class. (How many)
21- She is called Nefertiti. (What)
22- A sculpture is a kind of statues. (What)
23- My mother is out. (Where)
24- Mother asked Sara to cook the lunch. (What)
25- This is a dictionary. (What)
26- Goats eat grass. (What)
27- Ramses built many temples. (What)
29- Yes, He was a great soldier. (Was)
30- I can't buy it because it's too expensive. (Why

Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Who don't you buy her a mobile?
2- What about buying a book four Sara.
3- How much suggestions did she make?
4- Let's watching a video.
5- A rabbit is fast than a tortoise.
6-Cheetah is the fast animal on land.
7- My father is as older as my mother.
8- She didn't go to work, didn't she?
9- He likes football, do he?
10- They are pupils, are they?
11- He becomes the king of Egypt in 1805.
12- He is born in Albania.
13- He changed his name because off the new religion.
14- He came to Egypt with Turkey soldiers.
15- Opened the door, please Ali.
16- My mother have cooked the lunch.
17- Ahmed has done his homework yet.
18- She hasn't tidied her room ago.
19- They have washed the car yet.
20- My brother buys a new car last week.
21- She enjoy watching TV.
22- He likes play tennis.
23- We don't go to school in Friday.
24- I have lunch on two o'clock.
25- My father goes to work on car.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الوتر الحزين
شخصيات هامة
شخصيات هامة
الوتر الحزين

العمر : 57
عدد الرسائل : 18803
first year exam 210
بلد الإقامة : مصر
احترام القوانين : first year exam 111010
العمل : first year exam Unknow10
الحالة : first year exam Yragb11
نقاط : 32615
ترشيحات : 121
الأوســــــــــمة : first year exam 112

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: first year exam   first year exam I_icon_minitime7/7/2009, 00:47

first year exam 0034

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
first year exam
استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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