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  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less

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عبير عبد القوى الأعلامى

عدد الرسائل : 9451
 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 210
بلد الإقامة : مصر
احترام القوانين :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 111010
العمل :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less Unknow10
الحالة :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less Mzboot11
نقاط : 17809
ترشيحات : 33
الأوســــــــــمة :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 13156210

 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less    تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less I_icon_minitime21/8/2011, 13:33

This Russian language lesson is all about the Russian dative case. This is the fifth Russian case we will learn, there is only one case left after this lesson. This lesson does introduce more grammar concepts and word endings for you to learn. However, this is just the Russian language, you need to be able to use all cases effectively in order to be able to speak Russian. Try your best to remember the different endings to all the cases you have learnt, sometime it helps to learn them by looking at examples. If you can not remember the other cases you have learnt, revise them quickly now using this site’s grammar section.

The Russian dative case is used to represent the indirect object. This is the person or thing that receives the main object. The dative generally corresponds to the English word “to”, although this rule is only general, as the word “to” has many meanings in English.

Firstly we will see how we form the dative case from normal dictionary form nouns. Then we will investigate the many ways in which we are able to use the dative case in Russian. The Russian language relies on the dative case more then you might first expect.

Forming the dative case

To create nouns in the dative case, we first start with the nominative (dictionary) form

Masculine Nouns

. If the noun ends in a consonant, add “у”.
. Replace “й”, with “ю”.
. Replace “ь”, add “ю

Feminine Nouns

Replace ]“а” with е

Replace “я” with “е”.

Replace “ь” with “и

Replace “ия” with “ии”.

]Neuter Nouns





Replace “е” with “ю


Look at the last letter nominative singular form (dictionary form) and

1. If the noun ends in a consonant, add "ам".
2. Replace "а", "о" or a consonant with "ам".
3. Replace the last letter with "ям"

Here are some examples

Адам - Адаму

Елена - Елене
Молоко - Молоку
Вино - Вину

Pronouns of the Dative Case

]It is worth learning the dative case personal pronouns quite well as they are used more than you might expect.

Мне - me

Тебе - you " informal

Ему (m), Ему (n), Ей (f) - him, it, her

Нам - us

Вам - you " formal, or plural.

Им - them.

Using the Dative Case for Indirect Objects

The indirect object is the person or object in a sentence that receives something. For example in the sentence “Ivan gives flowers to Anna”, the word “Anna” is the indirect object. It should be used in the dative case. In this sentence notice that the dative case is used in the place of the word “to

When the above sentence is rearranged to “Ivan gives Anna flowers”, the word “Anna” is still used in the dative case as Anna is the person who is receiving the object. Similarly, in Russian the word order of a sentence can be rearranged. In fact because Russian uses the case system words can be rearranged much more freely than in English. For this reason, you need to be able to recognise cases effectively

]The word Давать(give) is commonly used with the dative case. Here are the conjuctions: [/size]

Даю - (I) give

Даёшь - (you) give

Даёт - (he) gives

Даём - (we) give

Даёте - (you) give

Дают - (they) give

The command forms of this word include

]Дай - give

Дайте - give
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أم البنات
أم البنات

عدد الرسائل : 9513
 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 210
احترام القوانين :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 111010
العمل :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less Unknow10
الحالة :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 8010
نقاط : 19615
ترشيحات : 44
الأوســــــــــمة :  تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 333310

 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less    تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less I_icon_minitime1/6/2014, 10:27

 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 375104_1344691651

 تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less 126788_1308022260
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
تعريف اللغة الروسية مع دروس والحالات {Russian language less
استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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